How do I learn MEAN stack?

2 min readDec 23, 2020


Assuming you are a complete beginner who probably was wandering the depths of the internet to find the roadmap to become a developer. Let’s start by understanding what is MEAN stack its advantages, and yes If it is even the right one for you to go for.

What is MEAN Stack?

MEAN is a full stack software bundle. It uses JavaScript frameworks for front-end, back-end tools as well as for libraries. The database is a document-driven NoSQL Database. Thus, MEAN stack is a full stack web development tool. It is used to develop web applications that are fast and efficient. They are used to primarily build dynamic web sites.

MEAN is comprised of four different technologies:

  • MongoDB express is a schemaless NoSQL database system
  • Express JS is a framework used to build web applications in Node
  • AngularJS is a JavaScript framework developed by Google
  • Node.js is a server-side JavaScript execution environment

Advantages of Mean Stack

Here, are some most prominent reasons for using Mean Stack technology

  • Allows creating a simple open source solution which can be used to build robust and maintainable solutions.
  • Helps in rapid development of applications
  • MEAN is full stack JavaScript which is 100% free. Leverage JavaScript’s popularity
  • Use a uniform language throughout your stack
  • Uses very low memory footprint/overhead
  • Helps you to avoid unnecessary groundwork and keeps your application organized
  • MongoDB is built for the cloud
  • Node.js simplifies the server layer
  • MEAN makes code isomorphic

Disadvantages of Mean Stack

  • MongoDB may be an ideal choice for small to mid-sized applications. However, it is not the best option for large-scale applications
  • There are no specific general JS coding guidelines
  • Once you have developed the first site using Mean stack technology, it’s really hard to go back to the old approach
  • It offers poor isolation of server from business logic
  • You could potentially lose records

So if you are planning to learn MEAN Stack I would suggest you try out the FREE live online training arranged by Eduonix on 27th December 2020 (Sunday) on ”Mean Stack Development” for building apps.

Topics covered

  1. App Development Introduction
  2. Introduction to Mean Stack Development
  3. Industry Overview
  4. Career Guidance


  1. In-depth Session on Mean Stack Development
  2. Career Guidance
  3. Live Q&A

Instead of just searching through endless suggestions available try this free live training and get all your queries answered by the experts. This will help you understand the Landscape of Web and Mobile App development, and will also help you understand different career opportunities and trends in this industry. You can visit their website to register here.


If you want to see how easy it is to develop and deploy an application to the cloud using a MEAN stack, IBM offers a simple tutorial for creating a modern application in a MEAN stack.

